Enter a domain name
Enter a domain name
A Sitemap is basically a list of pages, media, and files on your website. the most common format for Sitemaps is XML. It means "Extensible Markup Language".
An XML sitemap is basically a list of pages of the website. that looks like a plain text list of all of the URLs on the website with some extra information in XML language. XML sitemaps can be submitted to search engines and it read this file to crawl your site more efficiently.
The XML Sitemap Generator is an advanced tool for enabling your website to generate an XML Sitemap easily and quickly.
Using SEOCoreTools XML Sitemap Generator will help you to create these XML Sitemaps free with additional features in seconds.
How to use it?
> Enter your Domain URL
> Then, add "Modified date". - Adding "modified date" will help search engines like google, to know when this page was last updated.
> And you have the option to tell search engines like google, how often this page is gonna be changed using the "Change Frequency" tag. So Google knows when to come back and look at it again.
> Also you have the option to change the "Priority" tag to say the relative importance of each page on your website.
> Finally, you can select how many pages you want to crawl within up to 5000.
> Solve the ReCaptcha and,
> Click on the green "Generate Sitemap" button.
That's all!